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Snack n' Sack

Our Mission

Our mission is to provide nutritious, healthy weekend meals to the children of our community for the glory of Jesus Christ.

How To Get Involved

Snack n' Sack is a growing ministry and welcomes everyone to help.  If you or a group of people would like to serve and get involved please call Holy Trinity Church at 570-297-3070.  We will point you in the right direction. 


If you would like to send a financial gift to support this ministry, please send it to:

Holy Trinity Church

c/o Snack n' Sack Ministry

1214 Redington Avenue

Troy, PA 16947


Did you know millions of American children struggle with hunger each year? An estimated 48.8 million Americans, including 16.2 million children, live in households who struggle to put enough nutritious food on the table. Sadly, this results in about 1 in 5 children going hungry, during some point in a year. This is where our new group, Snack n’ Sack, comes in to play.


After several meetings, numerous applications being filled out and approved, generous donations from community members and organizations, an inspection of our packing room, and finally meeting with the coordinator of the Central PA Food Bank, our Snack n’ Sack program successfully kicked off on Friday, February 1, 2019.


A group of Snack n’ Sack volunteers took a trip to the Central PA Food Bank on Friday, January 25, 2019 to view the warehouse and place our first order. We were thrilled to bring back with us a months supply of food to pack and deliver to the W.R. Croman.


On Thursday, January 31, 2019 volunteers gathered together to pack and pray over 20 bags filled with two breakfast items, two lunch items, and two snack items. The bags were delivered to the elementary school, Friday morning, to be handed out to a selected group of 20 children, in need of weekend nourishment. What an amazing feeling to be of help to these children!


We are currently feeding over 135 children through the school year and are working on providing food through the summer months.  God is working vivaciously through this ministry!


If you would like to become a part of this wonderful ministry, or give a donation to help fund it, please reach out to Dan Gilliland, Ashley Leffler or any Snack n‘ Sack member. We could not be more happy with how Snack n’ Sack has come together. Let us, as the body of Christ, work together to fight hunger, improve lives, strengthen our community, and spread the word of the gospel!

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